
Gambit Communications® Network Simulation

Gambit Communications® is a provider of tools for simulating servers, networking and storage devices.

Network management software

MIMIC Simulator for testing your network management software.

Network Management Apps

MIMIC Simulator for testing your network management software. SNMP Simulation.

MIMIC Web Simulator

Create a large virtual lab with Gambit Communications.

IOS Simulator

IOS based apps Using MIMIC Simulator.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Build the Best Network Management Foundation

Finding the network management system that is best fitted for your infrastructure is a significantly crucial task. Fortunately, there’s no scarcity of monitoring and management tools that are capable of offering the vision most network managers require.

gambit_pic_1However, to develop the optimum network management base, the IT organization requires to take into account both its legacy environment as well as any latest technologies it plans to install. It is indispensable that systems offer visibility and control over each individual network component, but it is also crucial that they often a clear sight of traffic activity across the network as a whole. IT also requires a control-point from which they can troubleshoot any issues and whenever feasible, issue a mechanized response to solve a problem and limit downtime.

For this function, ventures require a console to act as a combined control point for the network as a whole. IT pros with diverse responsibilities can tap into the console to support their individual functional needs, whatever they’re. Furthermore, these systems must be engineered with a device that can offer a graphical illustration of the network that is based on the user’s precise task.

Whichever route an IT company picks to take to enhance its network management position, it is clear that network managers are require to consider their complete environment. Because each setting is different, each company’s path will vary. Whatever the businesses need is for the network administration platform, it should fit together with their infrastructure to sustain an environment that supplies best performance, proficient resource use and maximum dependability.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Guides to Configure SNMP Trap

Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP is a protocol that offers network administrators a means to configure and control resource across the network. An SNMP Trap is a practice employed to send alarms and evaluate the data. Also, it aids troubleshoot any problems like hack attempt or bad requests. In this post, you will learn about how to configure SNMP in a Cisco Router.

mimic3• Right click on the "My Computer" icon and select “Manage.” Then click on the "Services & Applications" icon to extend the options. Click the "Services" option.

• Click on the "Details" button near the "SNMP Service" section. This will open to a new window. Type a responsive name in the "Community Name" segment. Click on the "Add to List" button.

• Click on the "Add" key in the "SNMP Service Properties” segment. Click the "Traps" tab.

• Type the name of the host into the matching protocol section. For example, if you employ TCP or IP, type the name of the host in the "IP" section. Click on the "Add" button. The host name will appear in the directory box.

• Repeat these above-mentioned steps to put in more Traps. Once you have added all the names then click on the "OK" key to save settings.

Friday, 16 January 2015

A Technical Overview of Cisco NetFlow is a fixed instrumentation within Cisco IOS Software to distinguish network function. Visibility into the network is a crucial tool for IT pros. In reply to new needs and pressures, network operators are finding it difficult to comprehend how the network is behaving. They need to be aware of these:

• Application & network usage
• Network output and use of network resources
• The impact of transformations to the network
• Network irregularity and security susceptibilities
• Long-term fulfilment issues

Cisco NetFlow provides these information. It provides the visibility to the administrators about who, what, when, where, and how network traffic is flowing. As soon as the network actions are understood, business practice enhances and an assessment of how the network is used is available. This increased consciousness decreases susceptibility of the network as connected to outage and enables effective function of the network. Enhancements in network administration lower expenditures and drives high business profits by better use of the network infrastructure.

NetFlow offers solutions to several common issues faced by IT pros:

• Recognize new application network loads like VoIP or remote site additions

• Provide statistics to compute WAN traffic enhancement from application-policy changes; comprehend who’s employing the network and the network top talkers.

• Analyze sluggish network performance, bandwidth hogs and bandwidth use faster with reporting tools or command line interface.

• Reduce expensive upgrades by recognizing the applications causing blockage

• Irregularity detection & worm analysis along with applications like Cisco CS-Mars. NetFlow can be implemented in the network?

NetFlow is characteristically employed on a vital site since all the traffic from the remote sites is categorized and accessible within NetFlow. The site where NetFlow is installed may rely on the site of the reporting solution and the topology of the network. If the reporting collection server is located centrally, then setting up Netflow close to the reporting collector server is most favourable. Also, NetFlow can also be installed at remote branch sites.

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Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Simulating a Cisco Network

Testing remote connectivity options is generally more demanding than testing a LAN (Local Area Network). Remote connectivity commonly involves the utilization of transmission devices that aren’t owned or supervised by the client. These devices are usually not accessible to the network manager for testing purposes. As a result, the network tester should find ways to check the projected network plan without having access to the real transmission devices.

The testers can make use of the following techniques to check remote connectivity designs:

mimic_view• Simulation Software

• Prototype testing employing simulated links

• Pilot testing in the real environment

Network simulation software:

Computer applications provide the designer several tools ahead of implementing on real devices. The advantages of employing this approach are:

• Lower price – prototyping networks is costly to setup and maintain. Networking device configuration options change regularly. Thus, maintaining a test setting up-to-date can be demanding.

• Flexibility – simulation software can support many different types of devices and connectivity options. Altering configurations and topologies are usually much quicker and simpler in a simulation environment.

• Scalability –setting up a large or important network in a lab setting is expensive and inefficient.

• Control – the simulation application enables the network manager to control the entire network operation easily like a real network.

Regrettably, some simulation software have a few drawbacks:

• Limited functionality – simulation software can become out-of-date quickly if not kept up to date. Furthermore, the software may not support all the capabilities of the real devices.

• Impractical performance – it isn’t simple for the software developers to simulate all the conditions that can take place in an actual network without customizing the simulations.

In spite of the above drawbacks, employing SNMP simulation software to check the networks is a wonderful way to find out design errors.

Simulating a DSL or Cable Connection:

mimic2An Ethernet link can be employed to simulate a cable wide area network connection or DSL. The routers can be linked with an Ethernet intersect cable. Routing protocol metrics can be configured to replicate the metrics of a low-speed connection by employing the bandwidth command on the interface. Static route alternatives can be configured manually by adjusting the administrative distance dispensed to the network path. This is something that one can do easily on the entire Cisco routers.

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Monday, 5 January 2015

NetFlow – An Overview

NetFlow was first introduced on Cisco routers that offer the capability to collect IP network as it gets into or exits an interface. By checking the data supplied by NetFlow, a network manager can decide things like the source & destination of traffic, class of service, and also the cause of blocking. A usual flow monitoring setup consists of three major components:• Flow exporter – Aggregates packets into flows and exports flow records towards one or more flow collectors.

• Flow collector – Accountable for response, storage & pre-processing of flow data obtained from a flow exporter.

• Analysis application – Verifies received flow data in the context of infringement detection or traffic profiling.

Protocol description:

Switches and routers that support NetFlow, can pull together IP traffic data on entire interfaces where NetFlow is allowed and later export those data as NetFlow records towards a minimum of one NetFlow collector.

Network flows:

A network flow can be described in several ways. Cisco standard NetFlow edition 5 describes a flow as a unidirectional succession of packets that all share the following seven rules:• Source IP address
• Ingress interface
• IP protocol
• Destination IP address
• Source port for TCP or UDP
• Destination port for TCP or UDP, type & code for ICMP or other protocols
• IP Type of Services

Netflow interfaces:

Usually, NetFlow is allowed on a per-interface basis to limit stack on the router mechanism involved in NetFlow, or to limit the quantity of NetFlow records exported.

Also, some NetFlow implementations permit the surveillance of packets on the egress IP interface, but this should be employed with care.

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